
Craniosacral Therapy helps the body to heal itself. It gently releases anxiety & stress bringing the body from “fight, flight, or freeze” into “rest, digest, & recovery” mode. It can dramatically increase wellness, allowing your body to work on health issues, physical pain, acute/chronic conditions, and emotional stress. Our bodies are designed to heal (just as a cut on your skin heals, so does issues on the inside) especially when the central nervous system is in its parasympathetic state.

Gentle hand placements work with releasing tension & tightness in the tissue & fascia for better alignment, and movement. (As my father would say, it improves his golf game.)

Craniosacral Therapy addresses TMJ dysfunction, teeth grinding, & headaches by working gently inside the mouth (intra-oral) to relax muscles & address areas that cannot be reached from the outside. This work is also theraputic before/after braces & dental work.



Reiki is a Japanese energy technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It allows for an experience of deep inner tranquility. Reiki works with the chakra system & is a serene and meditative energy. Distance sessions can be done from the comfort of one’s home.

Access Bars


Access Bars consists of connecting with 32 Points on the head to release stress. This dynamic and gentle process assists with insomnia, depression, anxiety, and more, bringing a peaceful relaxed state. The points release the electromagnetic charge created by our thoughts, trauma, judgments, and old patterns.

vibrational therapy with Sound & CRYSTALs


You are a living energy field. We are composed of energy producing particles that are in constant motion. We have an electromagnetic field, and past & current research shows some vibrational frequencies can be used to optimize our health.

Tibetan Sound Healing bowls, tuning forks, shamanic rattles, french chimes, theta brain wave music, and crystals are integrated into sessions as needed or requested.